Tool Paths


Tool Paths — Introduction

Computer-aided manufacturing ( CAM ) programs analyze your models or drawings, creating toolpaths from them that represent the motion of a cutting tool as it cuts the part. This is then processed into a set of instructions specific to your CNC machine, telling it exactly how and where to move in order to cut out your part. Typically written in a language called “G-code”, they are the bridge between a part created in a modeling program (or an unaltered 3D scan) and your mill or lathe. The CAM…

Visual CAD/CAM

MecSoft Corporation has made it their mission to bring high-end machining capability to the world, at a price point far below other programs in the same league. The whole suite of programs they offer is called Visual CAD / CAM . It includes Computer Aided Design ( CAD ) programs including the free VisualCAD, that allows the creation and editing of curves, meshes, and solids, and VisualArt, which facilitates the creation of carveable geometry models from 2D bitmaps (and is now included in all…


A VisualCAM Plugin

MecSoft Corporation’s plug-in to McNeel’s Rhino 7 3D modeling software brings VisualMill’s functionality into the Rhino environment. RhinoCAM does everything that VisualMill does, while RhinoCAM Expert includes all the functions of VisualMill Expert and RhinoCAM Pro offers the full functionality of VisualMill Pro , from within the Rhino workspace. For someone who likes Rhino , wants to develop CNC toolpaths for their Rhino models, and wishes to avoid the hassle of…

DeskProto 8.0

Three-axis and Multi-axis

While it’s not intended for machining mechanical-type parts, DeskProto is an excellent choice for producing artistic, decorative, or jewelry items, as well as concept models. Unfazed by mesh files running into hundreds—even thousands—of megabytes, it generates toolpaths and the G-code that drives your router or mill very quickly, and boasts a range of powerful machining strategies utilizing 3, 4 or even 5 axes of your CNC machine. With various “wizards” to guide you in setting up such things…

DeskProto Jewelry Fixture

Wax Ring Kit

If you want to take full advantage of the 123 Wax Ring Wizard that comes with the DeskProto 7.0 Multi-axis Edition, there is now a kit with cutters, pre-formed wax discs (you can make your own if you want), a fixture for the rotary table, and an adapter to the Sherline rotary table (Roland rotary tables don’t need an adapter). This solid little fixture holds the wax firmly in three positions, so it can cut a ring along its periphery, and then cut to the inside of the ring from two sides, so…